Friday, April 29, 2016

Padlet Perfect School

Tech Supplements

My Lesson Plan is about how ants change the environment. The students can observe how they do this by looking at the ant farms that they built every day and recording what they see.

My first and second tech supplements are diagrams that I made through classtools. When put side by side students can easily see the differences between Queen and Worker Ants.

My third tech supplement is a padelt that I would upload to our classroom blog so that students could take pictures of ant hills that they find while they are at home.

Lesson Plan

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Flappy Bird Coding

Khan/Koller Review

I used the Khan Academy in high school in during Chemistry. It really helped me succeed. I could absolutely see myself using the Khan Academy in my classroom, especially the students that are struggling. I think that the way Khan views accreditation will make education more readily accessible to people around the country.

I am most interested in trying the Disability Awareness and Support class because I would love to be able to relate and help students with disabilities in the classroom, I am very passionate about helping students with disabilities.I am not sure if Columbus State accepts Coursera credits, I would have to go to advising and meet with an adviser to find out. I think that Coursera appears more challenging and a bigger time commitment than a traditional class. However, you probably understand more of what the course is offering.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Standard Based Lesson Plans!

The Pond Life lesson is geared towards grades 3-5. I would use this during science. The students would be expected to learn how to use microscopes and slides as well as be able to look at pond water under a microscope and see all of the microorganisms that live in the water. The students would also be expected to navigate through several different web pages completes activities along the way

The standard that is being addressed is the Living Environment. Looking under the microscope will allow the students to see first hand the different organisms that live in pond water. The link Freshwater Ecosystems allows the students to have another look at the organisms that live in pond water.

Because of the intensity of this lesson plan I would probably spread it out throughout a week. I think that if I were teaching in a low income school I might not be able to do this because of the materials needed, microscopes and chrome books or laptops. I believe that using this for a third grade classroom might prove to be challenging because of the amount of instruction that this lab would require. I think that if I did this lesson I would want to team teach with a fourth grade classroom so that the fourth graders would be able to help my students and there would be another set of eyes from the fourth grade teacher.

                                                 Later Gators,
                                                           Katie :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Pinterest in the Classsroom!

I would like to start off by saying that I love Pinterest. I have been an avid Pinterester since my freshman year in high school. So I jumped at the opportunity to look for fun and innovative ways to use my favorite form of social media in the classroom. I know that without a doubt I will use Pinterest in my classroom as a teacher. Between finding new activities for my kids, to fun posters, and to keep up with the newest educational research. I believe that Pinterest is a great and easy way to share and find new ideas. Keeping things fresh in the classroom is imperative so that you and your students don't get bored. I think that some of the drawbacks for using Pinterest is that you have to sift through the pins that are not relevant.
                                                   Later Gators,
                                                             Katie :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Assistive Technology for Students with Diabetes

Having a chronic illness, such as Type One Diabetes, can make learning very challenging for students, especially the young K-6 students. When a student has a high or low blood sugar, not only is it life threatening, it makes concentrating on a task difficult. Their vision may become blurry and, for a high blood sugar, they would become excessively thirsty and need to urinate frequently interrupting their education. One of the biggest issues a student with Diabetes faces in a classroom is being in an environment that is safe. Most people do not know how to care for a child with Diabetes and some teachers feel like it is not their responsibility to learn how to.

Image result for app nightscout
This is what the Nightscout Project app looks like
One type of assistive technology that can be an enormous help to students with Diabetes is the app The Nightscout Project. This app and website was designed by parents of children with Diabetes and what it does is transmit the data from their child's CGM (continuous glucose monitoring system) to any device with the app downloaded and connected to the CGM. This could be a huge help if a teacher has a student with Diabetes because they could download the app and have access to the child's blood sugars and be able to prevent things from escalating to dangerous levels. It also could help the teacher understand if a student with Diabetes is acting out or not preforming their best on assignments, The Nightscout Project can be found here
If a teacher got this alarm form the CGM
then they would know that the child needs
 insulin and to drink water.

This is a Diabetic Alert Puppy
Another type of assistive technology that is available to Type One Diabetics is the Diabetic Alert Dogs. These are service dogs trained to smell when a child's blood sugar is going up or down and they alert the child. Diabetic Alert Dogs are really good for children who resist needles and are tired of being stuck which is a downside of using the CGM that does along with the Nightscout Project app. Unfortunately Diabetic Alert Dogs are around 10,000 dollars and are not covered by insurance.
Image result for diabetic alert dog

Some things to look forward to in the future of assistive technology for Diabetics is the bionic pancreas. This is where the insulin pump and the CGM work together in effort to lower the amount of stress put on the child or person with Diabetes. This would help control blood sugars more and allow the individual to live a life more like a child without Diabetes.


                                                     Later Gators,
                                                        Katie :)


Tuesday, February 9, 2016


I personally dislike using shared Google Docs. I find it very hectic when multiple people are messing around on one thing at the same time and other people can move around whaat you are working on.
                                        Later Gators,
                                                   Katie :)

Ohio DL Schools

If I were to pick a distance learning school for my child, I would choose Connections Academy. The website is easy to use and appealing to the visual eye.

I would never send my child to ECOT. The website was somewhat bland and it was hard to find the FAQ's.

In the future, I don't know if I would let my child do distance learning. It would probably depend on my child and their personal needs and what would be the best for them.

                                Later Gators,
                                           Katie :)

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Prezi Feedback

My Prezi!

The intended audience of my Prezi would be future employers and parents of my students, possibly being shown during the open house at the beginning of the school year. In my Prezi I explain my background and why I want to be a teacher. I believe that it is important to have a relationship with the students but also to have a relationship with the parents of the students.

I love, love, love Prezi. I have been using Prezi for years and have completely abandoned using Powerpoint. I think that Prezi is more fun to watch and keeps people more engaged in what is being presented.

Later Gators,
Katie :)

Monday, January 25, 2016



4 the Love of Teaching is a great blog by a fifth elementary school teacher. She posts pictures of her classroom and activities she does with her students. This blog is very colorful and easy to navigate.

iTeach 2nd Grade is the blog of a second grade elementary school teacher. It is not as colorful as the 4 the Love of Teaching, however it is easy to use and has a very good layout. There are a lot of posts about what is going on in her classroom and activities going on in the school she teaches at.


I picked this blog for several reasons. I loved the name, Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks. As well as the amazing color scheme. But ultimately, the reason I think that this is a great education blog is because of the real world application of what she does and the many pictures she has of her students doing activities really adds dimension to her blog.  

                                   Later Gators,
                                               Katie :)

Thursday, January 21, 2016


My name is Katie Shumate!!

Friendsgiving 2015

<--  THIS IS ME!

Camp Hamwi 2015
I am 21 years old and live in Grove City. I graduated in 2013 from Teays Valley,a very small high school in Ashville. In high school I was in Color Guard for four years and loved every second of it. Over the summer I am a camp counselor at Camp Hamwi, which is a week long summer camp for children with Type 1 Diabetes. I have been Diabetic for almost twelve years and this summer will be my sixth summer at Camp Hamwi!

Being a Type 1 Diabetic has greatly influenced my life including my decision to become a teacher. I was diagnosed three days before I started the fifth grade. After a week long stay in the hospital I had to start school late. During the fifth grade standardize testing my blood sugar was high and I needed to use the restroom. Because my 504 plan was not finalized I was not allowed to use the bathroom during standardized testing. My teacher at the time snuck me out of the classroom and that was when I realized I wanted to teach children and make a difference like she did for me.

                    Later Gators,
                         Katie :)