Thursday, March 24, 2016

Flappy Bird Coding

Khan/Koller Review

I used the Khan Academy in high school in during Chemistry. It really helped me succeed. I could absolutely see myself using the Khan Academy in my classroom, especially the students that are struggling. I think that the way Khan views accreditation will make education more readily accessible to people around the country.

I am most interested in trying the Disability Awareness and Support class because I would love to be able to relate and help students with disabilities in the classroom, I am very passionate about helping students with disabilities.I am not sure if Columbus State accepts Coursera credits, I would have to go to advising and meet with an adviser to find out. I think that Coursera appears more challenging and a bigger time commitment than a traditional class. However, you probably understand more of what the course is offering.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Standard Based Lesson Plans!

The Pond Life lesson is geared towards grades 3-5. I would use this during science. The students would be expected to learn how to use microscopes and slides as well as be able to look at pond water under a microscope and see all of the microorganisms that live in the water. The students would also be expected to navigate through several different web pages completes activities along the way

The standard that is being addressed is the Living Environment. Looking under the microscope will allow the students to see first hand the different organisms that live in pond water. The link Freshwater Ecosystems allows the students to have another look at the organisms that live in pond water.

Because of the intensity of this lesson plan I would probably spread it out throughout a week. I think that if I were teaching in a low income school I might not be able to do this because of the materials needed, microscopes and chrome books or laptops. I believe that using this for a third grade classroom might prove to be challenging because of the amount of instruction that this lab would require. I think that if I did this lesson I would want to team teach with a fourth grade classroom so that the fourth graders would be able to help my students and there would be another set of eyes from the fourth grade teacher.

                                                 Later Gators,
                                                           Katie :)